Ravalli County, MT Nearby Mountains

county: Ravalli County
abbr: MT
sname: Montana
population: 40212
housing units: 19583
landarea (sqmi): 2390.821
waterarea (sqmi): 9.381
latitude: 46.079298
longitude: -114.119065

Mountains have always held a special place in the soul of man. From the beginning of time mankind has been fascinated with mountains. Why do mountains touch the human spirit? Is it their size? Is it their solitude? The ancients believed that mountains formed the foundation of the world, that mountains surround the world and provide a resting place for the firmament (an inverted, transparent bowl separating the heavens from the earth), and that gods ruled from the top of mountains.

The Ravalli County Nearby Mountains webpage provides you with a complete list of mountains in the vicinity of Ravalli County, Montana. On the Ravalli County Nearby Mountains webspage we list all of the nearby mountain ranges, nearby mountain summits, nearby mountain ridges and nearby mountain gaps. Check one of the neighboring counties of Ravalli, Granite, Deer Lodge, Missoula, Idaho, Silver Bow, Powell, Lemhi, Clearwater, Mineral if you don't see the nearby mountain you are seeking.

So why are mountains so important to the human psyche? We never answered that question. Is it their size? Is it their solitude? Is it the challenge of climbing them? We might be tempted to explain the importance of mountains by using words like grandiose and majestic; but these words or just scribbles on a piece of paper. These powerful adjectives derive their power from the mountain they describe. Without the mountain to give them meaning, grandeur and majesty are weak and powerless. Mountains are more than the words used to describe them. They are a powerful force on our subconscious that spark the creation of new words in an attempt to describe them.

Do mountains loom large in our mind because they are the closest point to heaven here on Earth? Why did Moses receive the 10 commandments on a mountain? Why did Mohammad receive his first revelation on a mountain? Why did Jesus ascend to heaven from a mountain? Whatever the reason, we created the Ravalli County Nearby Mountains webpage to help you find mountains near you. Click on a different location if the mountain you seek is not listed.